Bangladesh Poribeshbid Society

A National Platform for All Environmental Graduates in Bangladesh

Govt. Reg. No. S-13643/2021

Tradeoffs and Synergies Across Global Climate Change Adaptations in the Food‐Energy‐Water Nexus

Title of Research : Tradeoffs and Synergies Across Global Climate Change Adaptations in the Food‐Energy‐Water Nexus

Authors : Torhan, S., Grady, C. A., Ajibade, I., Galappaththi, E. K., Hernandez, R. R., Musah‐Surugu, J. I., ..., Shah, M.A.R. & Global Adaptation Mapping Team

Year of Publication : 2022

Publisher : Earth's Future

Link to online sources :

Abstract : Food-energy-water (FEW) systems are increasingly vulnerable to natural hazards and climate change risks, yet humans depend on these systems for their daily needs, wellbeing, and survival. We investigated how adaptations related to FEW vulnerabilities are occurring and what the global community can learn about the interactions across these adaptations. We conducted a global analysis of a data set derived from scientific literature to present the first large scale assessment (n = 1,204) of evidence-based FEW-related climate adaptations. We found that the most frequently reported adaptations to FEW vulnerabilities by continent occurred in Africa (n = 495) and Asia (n = 492). Adaptations targeting food security were more robustly documented than those relevant to water and energy security, suggesting a greater global demand to address food security. Determining statistically significant associations, we found a network of connections between variables characterizing FEW-related adaptations and showed interconnectedness between a variety of natural hazards, exposures, sectors, actors, cross-cutting topics and geographic locations. Connectivity was found between the vulnerabilities food security, water, community sustainability, and response to sea level rise across cities, settlements, and key infrastructure sectors. Additionally, generalized linear regression models revealed potential synergies and tradeoffs among FEW adaptations, such as a necessity to synergistically adapt syst

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Message From Executive Director

Abu Jubayer

With great pleasure, I welcome you all to Bangladesh Poribeshbid Society- a national level platform for all environmental graduates in Bangladesh. We wish to be connected with environmental graduates and put collective efforts to progress environmental education and professional development of the graduates. From the beginning of the Society, we have already started various activities for supporting our members through providing information on jobs and scholarship opportunities, creating awareness through seminars and publications, and connecting graduates and current students through networking programs. We will explore every opportunity for our members and establish our professional positions in all sectors in Bangladesh. Also, we will take collaborative actions with other environmental organizations for enhancing environmental awareness and environmental protection in Bangladesh. I expect your warm and heartiest cooperation for fulfilling our mission and vision of the Society.

Message From President

A.K.M. Humayan Kabir Dewan

Environment is now one of the words that is used by all types of communities including scientist, businessman, public and private sectors in around the world. It becomes a central issue not only for Bangladesh context as well as in the international debate in the early part of twenty first century. Since 1996, different public and private universities of Bangladesh offer courses for the Environmental Science related Department. But the Environment Graduates are facing lot of challenges to develop their professional careers in this sector due to less professional skills and communications. For these challenges environment graduates felt to establish their own organization to develop academic excellence and professional careers in national and international level. By this visionary thought, Bangladesh Poribeshbid Society established in 2020. Now it is a national platform for all environment graduates of Bangladesh. Beside the professional and educational development, the society always encourage all types of peoples to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature, and to ensure that natural resources are used in an equitable and ecologically sustainable manner. The society always ready to provide any types of support to government and non-government organizations for improving and implementing environment policies, laws and regulations. We always welcome to all environment graduates of Bangladesh in our dream platform.